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Although the majority of straight cisgender people in the U.S. believe in equality for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, most of them remain uninvolved in the civil rights fight for LGBTQ+ equality. Fears and anxieties associated with becoming active and/or saying the wrong thing, as well as the belief that a straight cisgender person has little to offer, prevent many people from being vocal. In this workshop, we will discuss overcoming these concerns, important roles the ally can play and using our privileges to educate others. Participants will learn the power that they have to bridge the gap between the straight cisgender community and the LGBTQ+ community. Finally, allies will learn what they can do to work towards inclusion in their schools, workplaces, faith communities, etc.

Time Requirement: 1.5 - 3.0 hours


LGBTQ+ 101


Fostering LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces